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The Florida Housing & Mortgage Experts. We Advocate for the Borrower That Results in Loan Modifications.
It is nearly impossible to obtain a permanent loan modification without going through the waterfall process. Experience is required in order to have your request for a Loan Modification successfully approved. Without the assistance of an experienced professional you have less than a 5% chance of obtaining an approval, almost 97% of loan modifications get denied on the first request. Most of these denials are due to the Servicer not properly following the program guidelines.
At All-American Foreclosure Solutions, Inc, we specialize in default management, walk always, short sales negotiations, strategic defaults and real estate evaluations. We can possibly help you:
Lower your monthly mortgage payment
Convert your adjustable rate to a fixed rate
Reduce your interest rate
Reduce principle balance
Identify available government
assistance programs
Apply for Florida’s Hardest-Hit program
We are very different than other housing agencies and short-sale negotiations companies. We do not go to your lender with a hardship letter asking for help. Your lender is not your friend and they are here to make money, not give it away. If you have tried to deal with your lender about loan modifications, or sought federal assistance, you've probably sat on the phone for hours and gotten nowhere.
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You might qualify if any of these apply:
If you are unable to make payments due to job loss, pay reduction or increase in mortgage payments
If you have an adjustable mortgage rate
The home you are seeking a loan modification for is your primary residence
If you owe more than your house is worth
To avoid foreclosure, contact us today to set up your FREE Loan Modification Consultation. |
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Loan modifications are the result of a successful settlement through negotiations.
According to the FDCPA, a borrower has to verify the debt before being able to foreclose on property. We use a "QWR” Qualified Written Request. This obtains approximately 40 documents from your lender to ensure they originated, serviced and maintained your loan in a compliant fashion.
Your lender has to prove they have the rights or ownership to your mortgage. This is done with a promissory note. In over 40% of mortgages, the lender cannot produce the promissory note. Banks are poor record keepers and base their business on high volume and default judgments. This is to your advantage.
The lender has 20 days to acknowledge receipt of the QWR and 60 days to comply. After the date of acknowledgement the lender cannot accept payments or hurt credit under FCRA until the QWR is complied with. |
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Our Agency then performs a pre-funding and post funding audit on all documents provided by the lender.
Over 80% of mortgages have violations!
Performing an audit will find the laws the lender has broken in originating or servicing your loan. We will use these violations as leverage in our negotiations with your servicer in order to obtain a loan modification. |
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New Florida law requires that a lender must schedule and pay for mediation opportunities for a loan modification. Many consumers are not aware of this and miss mediation by not answering phone calls or letters.
The bank has attorneys preparing legal documents for this mediation. You should have an attorney representing your interest there also and we can help with this. Mediation is the process of you and your lender coming to a resolution that is fair for all parties involved. This is your legal opportunity to get a loan modification and keep your home. |
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A settlement is the most favorable outcome of a mediation. A settlement is not based on the lender's guidelines or your credit score, it is simply a modification of terms that will fit your financial needs and is fair to the lender.
The settlement can be a modification of the terms of your original mortgage loan. |
Call Us Immediately for a FREE Loan Modification Consultation to Learn Your Options for Saving Your Home. (239) 673-9312
Terms of Use: I agree that the use of this website or this form does not create an attorney-client relationship. I understand that All-American Foreclosure Solutions, Inc is only conducting an initial review of my situation. The hiring of a professional negotiator to assist you in dealing with your Lender is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. This website is designed for general information only. The facts and law in each case are very different. We cannot and do not represent or guarantee a specific result in any given case.